

If you would like to become an official sponsor of mine and add me to your blogger group or subscriber, please send me all your info on a notecard or in a folder (Your name, Stores name, Landmark or Marketplace Link) So that I may preview your items before making a decision. If I choose to accept, and you don't have a group or subscriber, I will accept things directly.

I am currently accepting items from designers for review. If you would like to have your items featured on my blog, please feel free to send me a folder containing the items along with a notecard with relevant information about the items and recent landmark. I reserve the right to not blog items that do not fit my personal fashion/blog style.

Please note that I am incredibly busy, both RL and SL, and I will get around to blogging your items. I need time time to do and edit the photos, always I trying to make your stuff look as wonderful as you created,Maybe not the very day they are sent out, or received, but I will. 
Please when trying to reach me, do it via notecard, this includes requests, and all other.

If you have any questions, concerns, comments, please do not hesitate to contact me in world. 

*This blog is not responsible for the end of promotion gifts ect* 

Thanks for support both readers and designer, without you this blog is not possible. 

